Menajerimi Ara 7+8 Bölüm Recap : Or A Woman’s Compromise and A Man’s Growth

Earlier this week I watched the trailer to Tessa Thompson’s new film, Sylvie’s LoveThe film follows Tessa Thompson’s character, a young Black woman who has dreams of working in television and finds a job working as an Assistant Producer.

This job is not generally one given to a married woman, much less a Black Woman and it follows Sylvie, the titular character, as she attempts to live her dreams and struggles with her love life. In a scene, Sylvie’s dreams come into conflict with her husband, who wants her to be the perfect wife, so she tells him:

I can’t be the woman of your dreams while also trying to be the woman of my dreams.

This quote, I would argue, coincides with what the last two episodes of Menajerima Ara. In the seventh episode of Menajerima Ara we see Dicle giving up on her dream in order to make Kıraç’s life easier. As Dicle herself puts it, she is willing to risk her dreams to make Kıraç’s life easier, and yet he would not do the same for her.

Dicle’s Dream : 7. Bölüm

The seventh episode of Menajerima Ara was perhaps the most difficult to watch, and it largely has to do with the fact that Dicle gives up is giving up her dreams. She is hurt by her father, hurt by Barış choosing Beren over her, and hurt by Feris for not fighting to keep her at the agency. 

Yet, as the seventh episode unfolds we watch Dicle come to terms that her selflessness, though it is a great strength, is also causing her problems. We see Dicle establish boundaries and not compromise on her dreams. Firstly, she turns down Barış offers to be his assistant. As Dicle puts it her decision to turn down Barış’s offer didn’t come from a place of hating Barış, but rather because she wants to follow her dreams and establish herself in the sector.

The other moment that we see Dicle establish healthy boundaries comes from her decision to stay working at Ego Agency. This is a choice that Dicle makes because she realises that Kıraç would rather allow Mayda to believe that he and Dicle are having an affair than admit that Dicle is his daughter. While she was willing to give up on her dreams, Kıraç was not okay with being uncomfortable. Resigning and taking Barış’s job offer would be the selfless thing to do, however, we see Dicle grow and establish boundaries and think about herself to live her dreams.

Women & Compromise : 8. Bölüm

This idea of being the woman of one’s dream is carried to the next episode and is made prominent by the various women of the 8th episode. 

The entire episode focuses on the various women who exist in different areas of life who are all trying to live their dreams. There’s Dicle, who’s trying to establish herself in the sector, and Feris who is a very prominent manager who knows her place, and finally Burçin Terzioğlu who is a super famous actress. All of these women have different moments in the episode where they are put into a position where they are expected to compromise. 

For Feris, this comes through her work. Though Feris loves her work she feels like she needs to sacrifice it to be in a relationship with Nejat. She believes this so firmly that she thinks that Nejat would for her sure break up with her after her outburst at the restaurant when she tells him that she priorities her work. However, at the end of the episode, we see Nejat accept this aspect of 

Through Burçin Terzioğlu we see a different form of compromise, a compromise that would allow violence against women to continue to exist. As you can see from this powerful speech, women are expected to not speak up, to compromise their voices, which would allow the countless incidents of female violence to continue to exist. Though I hate to say it, it would have made sense if Burçin had compromised her voice to stay on good terms with the sponsor, because that is a thing that is so commonplace. However, she chose to speak up and not be silenced.

Lastly, we have the Dicle. As previously established, in the last episode we saw the fallout of Dicle compromising her dreams for men, and realising that she is not something that she is willing to do that. At the end of that episode, we also see Dicle promise herself that she won’t let the sector change her and make her heartless. We see the outcome of those decisions throughout the episode. On one hand, Dicle chooses to stay working at Ego Agency, yet she chose to be kind to Kıraç by not outing him as her father to Mayda. 

We also see Dicle establish better boundaries in her relationship with Barış by not willing to compromise her dreams to be in a relationship with him. She confesses that she did want something romantic to happen between them, however, because she is hurt by his decision to engage in a relationship with Beren. She makes it known that she wants to focus on her work and establish himself in the industry and Barış accepts that decision. 

Like Mother, Like Daughter

On a side note, I would like to add that this is probably why Beren, Gülin, Mayda are such unlikeable female characters. We see Dicle, Feris, and even Jülide struggle to establish themselves in the industry and follow their dreams. While all the other women are attempting to live their dreams Beren and Mayda’s are making decisions as a result of the men in their life. Mayda only bought the Agency as a result of her falling out with Kıraç and Beren’s whole life revolves around being close to Barış. 

As Barış and many others have pointed out, Beren’s relationship with Barış is superficial seeing she doesn’t listen to him. She has an idealised picture of their relationship and their connection seems very dependent on their work and their lives as celebrities. In the scene where Beren makes him dinner, she gets distracted from this cooking because she is afraid of what could be happening between Barış and Dicle. As we see from Kıraç’s outburst, she risked her job and the quality of her cooking to spy on them, which is almost directly the opposite of what Dicle does this episode when she decides to not risk her career for Barış. 

Barış’s Journey

In comparison, Barış is going on a completely different journey. I know that within the fandom there is much debate about Barış as a character and the decisions that he makes… But if you have read my blog post, you know that I believe that his decisions make sense and he is not “bipolar”.

Let me say that again for the people in the back, Barış is not bipolar, so stop labelling him as such.

I would argue that the quote that explains Barış’s actions and character arc is Dicle mother’s “Motherly Advice”. 

Dicle’s mother advises to Dicle to not to find someone who she loves, but rather someone who loves her. Someone who will love and appreciate her and who will carry her in their arms. Someone who won’t leave her behind in the same way that Kıraç left them. 

I know, I know, your thinking Erica, this is absurd advice when it comes to Barış. Barış is so selfish, he only thinks of himself. He has repeatedly thought about himself, completely disregarding Dicle’s (and even Beren’s) feelings. He says so himself in the club scene from the episode 7, he sometimes is insensitive and uncaring.

A Relationship Built on Lies (Not Really, But Still) : 7. Bölüm

However, before we start talking about Barış we need to establish something of Dicle and Barış’s relationship: it is one that is uneven and filled with miscommunication and misunderstanding.

Dicle entered the relationship expecting something romantic to grow out of it. Barış on the other hand, though he is attracted to Dicle, seems to see her more as a form of comfort. This all comes to head when Barış asks Dicle to stay the night, which changes their relationship, adding so much miscommunication. Their decision to forget about the night and move on is since Barış took Dicle not staying the night to mean she wasn’t interested in him, and Dicle took him saying that he was drunk and wanted to forget about the night to mean the same thing. However, neither character spoke to the other about their intentions and read meaning into the actions of the other without the other saying it explicitly. 

Another huge area of unevenness in their relationship comes from how they see each other. There is another aspect to their uneven relationship that comes from Dicle side. While Barış may feel like Dicle is the only person that he can be himself around, Dicle does not feel that way because she is hiding her feelings from him, as well as her secret about her father. Dicle is unable to be herself around Barış.

Yet, another area of complete miscommunication comes from the way that Barış sees Dicle. We know that he sees her as the only person in his life that understands him. This could explain him saying “I don’t want another, I want you” remark, especially because he has pushed away his brother and by his admission, Beren doesn’t understand him. However, in the club scene, we see more of this miscommunication. Barış laments the fact that he is being “insensitive and selfish” towards others (which is what caused Beren to be upset at the club), however, he tells Dicle that she would never do something like this.

Through this, we see an example of Menajerima Ara subverting tropes. When I suggested that my friend watch the dizi she explained that though she was enjoying the dizi, she found it made her anxious especially in regards to Dicle and Barış’s relationship.

She explained how she hated the status difference between Dicle and Barış and explained how exhausting she would find it if the drama revolved around Dicle not feeling good enough for Barış because of his fame. This is a common trope in stories where a celebrity falls for a normal person. Another common trope is that the normal person might have a romantised version of the celebrity that doesn’t reflect reality. Yet, in Menajerima Ara it is Barış who feels like he is inferior to Dicle and puts Dicle on a pedestal. He has a very idealised idea of Dicle, thinking that she is completely selfless.

In Dicle and Barış last interactions in the 7th episode, we see Barış’s insensitive nature furthered when he offers Dicle a job as his assistant. We see Barış impulsive nature through this offer and Dicle rightly turns down the offer leaving a confused Barış at the sidewalk. Later in the episode, Barış goes and apologies to Dicle for making the offer and she explains her reasoning. 

Barış Havas and a Journey of Growth : 8. Bölüm

In the 8th Bölüm, we see Barış is going on his journey and many of the scenes in this episode parallel ones that have come before in previous episodes and show Barış’s growth. 

The most obvious example comes from the scene where Barış is trying on clothes, which is a direct parallel to their first encounter, a thing that Barış brings up.

How it started. How is going

Originally tweeted by selo shelby (@gigiibebe) on October 10, 2020.

On one hand, I love this call back because it’s so cute and I love Dicle and Barış together. I think there is another element to it because as @heviwillnot, points out, the scene where Dicle is helping Barış with his clothes is such a call back to their relationship earlier where they laughed, joked, and there was warmth between them before all of the drama in episode occurred.

Dicle notices that Barış has been calling her by her name, instead of “Assistant Kiz”. While this may seem like a tiny step (and it is) it shows growth on Barış’s part it is a direct call back to the previous episode where Barış sees Dicle exclusively as an Assistant Girl without taking into consideration her dreams or desires. Here, however, we finally see Barış accept Dicle as she is. We see him further prioritise Dicle feelings by asking her if there is something wrong. 

The other important scene that occurs comes when Beren tries to cook Barış’s favourite meal. This is Beren’s attempt to romance Barış, and it backfires and is lowkey the stuff of horror movies and a complete waste of food.

However, the Barış we see in this scene is the complete opposite of the Barış in the previous episode. In the previous episode, we see Barış go to the club, think insensitively about his words to Beren, and allows her to stay the night. We see him listen to the fans, his producers, and even Dicle who have all pushed him towards being in a relationship with Beren. 

Episode 7 vs. Episode 8

In this episode Barış makes it clear that though he will eat dinner with Beren he doesn’t want to go to the club nor does he want her to come back to his house with him. He is establishing some boundaries in their relationship and distancing himself from Beren. Much like Dicle, he is choosing to prioritise his work (reading his script) instead of focusing on relationships. Ultimately Barış does get distracted by a relationship just not his relationship with Beren, but with Dicle.

Originally tweeted by alara (@saudadeshipper) on October 16, 2020.

All of this leads to the final scene of the episode where Dicle tells Barış that she just wants them to remain friends with him and nothing more. While I understand that some might be upset by this decision, when it comes to the overall theme of the episode and Barış’s character arc, his decision to remain friends with her is important. 

Firstly, we get a parallel to the scene where Barış tells Dicle that he wants to forget about the night that he asked her to stay over and just remain friends with her. 

Most importantly though by having Barış accept Dicle request to remain, friends, we see him follow through with both Dicle’s mother and Burçin Terzioğl’s speeches. Burçin Terzioğl speech was about the importance of the women’s voices, Dicle mother’s advice was about the importance of finding a man who would prioritise Dicle. By listening to Dicle request to stay friends, Barış is prioritising Dicle, her voice, and her dreams, regardless of how it impacts his feelings. He is finally sacrificing for her and not thinking about himself.

However, throughout this episode we see something else occurring between Dicle and Barış clearer communication. Barış sees Dicle not think and say whatever was on her mind about Burçin Terzioğl dress. We also see better communication. Dicle tells Barış that she wants to be friends with him, not due to some hidden expectation she had of him, but due to her desires. She lays it out as it is and they are both on the same level as each other.

Furthermore, from the synopsis and fragman of the next episode, it seems like Barış might learn about Dicle’s secret, which would create even more clarity between them.

From the Episode 9 Summary: Learning that Dicle is Kıraç’s daughter, Beren decides to remove Dicle from their lives…. Barış, on the other hand, tries to stand by Dicle and stop Beren

Additional Thoughts/Questions:

  • I absouletly adore the way that the guest stars were integrated into the eighth episode. If you are unaware, Filmekimi and Istanbul Film Festival, two of the biggest film festivals in Turkey, were happening when the 8 Bölüm aired. Having Burçin Terzioğlu be preparing to present at the Istanbul Film Festival is very topical and shows the writers ability to integrate the very real aspects of the film sector in this very fictional show. The other guest star is Hazal Kaya, who much like the episode depicts, has recently signed on to be the ambassador of Cif Türkiye.
  • I really need Barış to admit his feelings for Dicle make a move. Up until this point, he has been a bit passive in their relationship… Additionally, if we are robbed of Dicle and Barış scenes because of the new dude… I will riot!
  • Lastly, I need Barış and Dicle to hug.

A Dizi(ng) Week (A Recap) : Or A Week Of Cuteness

Okay, as you guys know, I wrote an entire blog post on this week’s episode of Menajerimi Ara as well as an additional post on my thoughts on Barış. So, if you haven’t read those posts, I highly suggest you do. I also haven’t caught up on Masumlar Apartmanı however, as previously established, I will create a post specifically post about it. Thus, this week of “A Dizi(ng) Week (A Recap)” will probably be shorter than usual.

On Wednesday We Watch Sen Çal Kapımı 

This week’s episode of Sen Çal Kapımı is literally the stuff of dreams (for all of us EdSer fans), but sadly also the stuff of really bad editing skills. The episode starts with Serkan telling Eda that he loves her. They kiss and honestly, I loved it… However, I also hated it. I know this might come as a surprise, however, I feel with the sun setting and Eda and Serkan finally being open about their affections for each other, Sen Çal Kapımı should have leaned into that period drama nonsense, and used that light for the sheer romance of it.

There is something brilliant about this scene + the fact that the sun is framed by their faces/

We see a very similar usage of the light in Far From The Maddening Crowd, however, in Sen Çal Kapımı we get the kiss from random angles, and while them kissing is really romantic, I would argue that the sun was not utalised to the best of its capacity and some of the angles were kind of un-aesthetically pleasing.

But what do I know? Perhaps the angles were a product of censorship laws.

Eda decides to postpone going to Italy for two months, to stay in Turkey with Serkan. After two months, Eda and Serkan will go to Italy together… Or will they? Something is happening with Selin and Feris and Engin and Pırıl but to be completely honest, I don’t really care. Alptekin finds out that his family is the reason that Eda’s parents died… drama is about to occur. Serkan and Eda decide to keep their relationship a secret because Ayfer doesn’t want Eda dating Serkan.

With Eda staying in Turkey, most people knowing that their engagement was fake, and their current relationship a secret, the episode follows Eda and Serkan sneaking around trying to be around each other. Honestly, I have no idea what to say about this, because it was so freaking cute, and because the Internet has already said so much about it. That being said, I will applaud the writers of this episode because we saw something that is almost rare in media. I read somewhere that:

Real love, is not about grand gestures. It’s not about the non-stop-dialled-up-to-11 intensity. It’s about being the day to day today.

I believe we kind of see this idea depicted in the newest bölüm of Sen Çal Kapımı. While there is something to be said of the intensity and drama that is depicted because Eda and Serkan are hiding their relationship, we still see them being awkward around each other… and it is cute and adds an element of realism. I love how Eda and Serkan just constantly want to be around each other. 

That being said that this episode reminded me a lot of the early Erkenci Kus episodesIn both EK and SÇK we see Can and Sanem and Eda and Serkan hide their relationship. While Serkan and Can both want to be open about their relationship, both Eda and Sanem want to keep the relationship a secret because of how their family will react. Both Eda and Sanem have dreams of travelling and work for the men in their lives.

Lastly, in this episode, Erdem reminded me a lot of Ceycey, purely because they were both characters that worked in the firm, knew of the relationship of their boss, and was forced into secrecy. One of my friends suggested that these similarities have to do with the writer, Ayşe Üner Kutlu, being drawn to writing certain things/tropes/characters, which could be an explanation. However, as the episodes continue I hope we see more subversion of common Dizi tropes, which is one of the reasons that I was drawn to Sen Çal Kapımı.

Additional Thoughts:

  • Okay, I am going to say this once and for all. While I know that Sarp is probably a cool person, based on the BTS stuff, I really don’t like what the show is doing with Erdem and Fifi’s character. While his initial interest in her was comical, the extent to which pursues her, which involves him inserting himself into her life, really bothers me, especially because Fifi has not shown any interest in him. It borders on him being a stalker, and it really bothers me. If you want to more about why I think this trope is troubling, I will direct you at this video that explains the trope on some level.
  • Okay, I know that various people are upset about the introduction of Ali Ersan Duru next episode, especially in regards to the drama that it will undoubtedly create in Eda and Serkan’s life. However, I am super excited! Partially, this has to do with the fact that I am total trash for drama… However, it also has to do with the fact that Kalbimin Sultani was my life during the summer of 2018, and I was so gutted when it got cancelled.
gif credit : @haticesultanas

So seeing, Sultan Mahmud on my screen again is going to make me so happy. However, what is happening with Ali’s hair… who allowed this? 

  • While respect Eda and her life decisions… her deciding to postpone school for a mans… Ooof, that couldn’t be me. Additionally, because I see so many parallels between EK and SÇK, I can’t help but wonder will never happen, just like it never did in EK.
  • Lastly, is if you are wondering what the pain of this episode is… it has to do with the fact that Eda and Serkan are so cute it hurts. But also the fact that the editing of this episode was so terrible. It reminded me of a lot of Bölüm 5… I don’t if I have high expectations of editing in regards to dizi-land, or if I’m just projecting my love Halka (which was edited so beautifully) onto SÇK, but this ain’t it chief.

Yeni Hayat or the Things I Do For Serkan Çayoglu

Oh, Yeni Hayat, what a show. To be completely honest, this week’s episode of Yeni Hayat was probably the one that I was most excited for since the show aired. Which is hilarious, because I am 99% sure, it had the lowest ratings of the bunch. Never the less, I was super keen on watching this weeks episode, for the scene™, and if you’ve watched it, you know EXACTLY what the scene™ is.

The episode starts with everyone sitting at the breakfast table eating. However, both Adem and Yasemin’s phone go off revealing video footage of their kiss. Both are shocked to learn that they are being blackmailed, especially since both of their spouses are in the room. They spend the next few minutes staring intently into each other eyes in shock, which was strange, because Timur the man, who beat his wife for simply looking at a man, did not seem at all suspicious by this. However, tensions rise even more as Timur’s phone goes off, thinking quickly Yasemin “accidentally” spills water his phone, allowing her to grab it. She deletes the message as Adem distracts Timur.

Regardless, Yasemin is now on the lookout, trying to find out which member of the Karatan household took the video of her kissing Adem. She eventually finds an ally in Fatma, one of the maids in the house. I was initially apprehensive about her opening up to Fatma about her kissing Adem because I most soap operas and dizis would have this be a grave mistake.

However, I really appreciated that the writers of Yeni Hayat allowed Yasemin to find an ally and friend in Fatma. Female friendships are important and I feel those women are often pitted against each other in media, especially dizis. So, to have Fatma become a friend and confidant to Yasemin was a breath of fresh air. 

Fatma and Yasemin decide that the video must have come from Gökçe and try to find a way to get Gökçe’s phone from her in order to look through it. While I understand that the show is trying to create suspense, this whole aspect of the Bölüm fell flat for me.

It was pretty heartbreaking to see, purely because the show established things that would make a great mystery. You have the mystery and the only possible suspect being someone who must work or live in the Karatan house. This, to some degree, is the set up of movies like Knives OutMurder Mystery, or Murder on the Orient Express or the game Clue. Yet, the way that Yeni Hayat attempted to explore this set up felt felt way too dramatic, which took away the element of suspense. Even when they revealed that the message came from Yasemin and that one of the security cameras had been tampered with, I still felt underwhelmed. 

Adem and Timur are attempting to find Ahmet, whom they believe is related to Yasemin’s kidnapping. What they do not know is that Ahmet has been captured and tortured by Kunduzi. Yasemin’s revelation to Adem that Timur is abusive, has also taken a toll of Adem who know just sees an abusive man in his boss.

While all of this is happening, Nevin has decided to pawn off her jewellery to pay off Ferda. Adem and his crew have captured one of Kunduzi men and plan on using him to find out more information about Kunduzi. Adem also asks Ayhan to find out who sent him the video footage. (As a side note, everyone reacts to the kiss is too funny because it honestly just looks like Melisa just kissed Serkan on the cheek).

Timur is worried about his new shipment of guns because all of the other ones have been botched. Adem and Yasemin briefly meet and discuss the predicament they’re in, and we get another instance where I feel like we could have gotten a scene that I would have loved and have loved in other dizis… and yet the way Yeni Hayat executed it left me underwhelmed. And yes this scene is the scene in which Yasemin goes to talk to Adem and stumbles into a shirtless Adem. (Menajerimi Ara does it better is all I’m saying!).

Yasemin brings up a conference that she is going to be the speaker at to Timur, who allows her to attend to it. Kunduzi is doing something evil, kills Ahmet, and secretly meeting with Yasemin.

All of this brings us to one of the funniest and one of my favourite scenes in this Bölüm. I have no idea what the directors and crew were attempting when they filmed this shot, but let me tell they did not accomplish whatever it is they wanted because this shot just had me laughing.

Does this look like that RobPats Meme to Anyone?

However, the scene that follows it is almost cute, something is endearing about Yasemin joking with her brother about she doesn’t need protection because she already has a protector while standing in front of a stoic Adem.

Adem on the way back to his house bumps into Fatih who is fixing up his car to impress Fatma. When Adem tells Nevin about this encounter, she laments the fact that Adem and her never the early dating/flirting stage in their relationship. I feel like this was supposed to show a sort of contrast between Adem’s relationship with Nevin and his relationship with Yasemin. However, I don’t know, maybe its because I don’t ship Yasemin and Adem as much as the show wants me too… But I just don’t feel the emotions that the show wants me too. 

Timur gun business is not going as well as he wants it too, Nesibe is becoming suspicious of Fatma, and Gökçe is spending a lot introducing Ece to the world of Instagram, which made me uncomfortable. I know that this is just a dizi, but Gökçe really should not be posting content of a minor on Instagram (especially because she is an influencer) without the consent of the child’s parents. 

Though Timur told Yasemin that she was allowed to go to her conference, he tries to forbid her from going, when he is unable to go himself. However, when Yasemin insists, Timur sends Adem with Yasemin. Yasemin and Adem drive to her conference, with Yasemin lamenting that Adem hindered her escape, them eating breakfast together, and Adem opening up to Yasemin about his family. Yasemin also has this strange daydream about what her life would be like if she had escaped, and honestly, it was pretty, it also looked like it came out of a music video, and it was also a bit cringy.

Because Yasemin and Adem are going on an overnight together, Nevin has become jealous. Remember in the first episode when Nevin claimed that she wasn’t the lazy type that was fun, no? Her suspicion heightens when she calls Adem and misunderstands the situation thinking that they are sleeping together. Adem explains that Yasemin is sleeping in the car. When Berna makes sure that Adem and Yasemin are sharing a suite, tensions rise again due to the obvious chemistry between Adem and Yasemin. However, when Nevin calls Adem back and learns that Adem and Yasemin are sharing a suite, she becomes jealous. 

That night Yasemin has a nightmare of Timur attempting to kill her, Adem hearing her screams goes to comfort her. Adem leaves Yasemin’s door ajar and sleeps on the couch, allowing Adem and Yasemin to sleep watching the other. The next day we get my next favourite scene in this show. Yes, I am referring to the scene™. Adem invites Yasemin to the gym, insisting on teaching her self-defence, specifically how to escape a chokehold grip. Yasemin is initially annoyed at the lessons, knowing they are useless because she wouldn’t be able to use them against Timur. However, Adem explains it’s not about fighting, but instead making Yasemin feel like she has some control and power. Then we get one of my favourite lines, with Yasemin telling Adem that she doesn’t him to save her, and Adem reminding her “But I did, and I will continue to save you.” They eventually reach a point of friendly flirtation with Yasemin giggling as she bests Adem, and climbs on top of him.

The episode ends with Gökçe finding the dead body of Ahmet. Yasemin making her speech about how woman are abused by man, which angers Timur who is now suspicious of why Adem is teaching Yasemin self-defence. Timur drives really dangerously as they drive (they being Timur and Yasemin) and the episode ends with Yasemin tempting fate and Timur by asking Timur to crash the car as she grabs the steering wheel.

Additional Thoughts

  • Okay, this episode of the show made me realise that while I am enjoying watching Yeni Hayat, something about how it is executing its ideas fall very flat to me. As previously mentioned the mystery of who filmed the kiss could be so good, and yet it does not pique my interest. The tension between Adem and Yasemin could be intense and filled with all sort of sexual tension, and yet I don’t care or feel excitement about Yasemin and Adem like I do about Edser or Dicbar… I don’t know if this is cultural clash… but something feels off and I don’t know what.
  • I really love how Yeni Hayat has shown us a rare female perspective. On one hand the dizi has shown some tropes and events that I would argue are less than great (e.g. infidelity or abuse) however with this Yasemin’s speech this week we get an important message. I also love how we haven’t seen Yasemin and Nevin be openly pitted against each other.

Bonus : I Watched 1. Bölüm of Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir

Watching the first episode of Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir had me reeling. Many moons ago, I realised the irony that was me watching dizis when I judged/heckled my grandmother and mother for watching Indian serials. However, I told myself that the dizis I was watching were different than the serials the woman of my family watched… and to some degree dizis like EK, SÇK, and Halka are different… and than I watched Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir and than I ate my words.

This decision came about partially because I saw this photo-shoot of Demet Özdemir and İbrahim Çelikkol (and it was hot)

partially because the Internet kept on going on about the show, and mostly because I love Demet. So watching it was an easy decision, especially because I was half asleep and barely coherent. To keep it short, watching Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir made me remember literally every over dramatic Bollywood/Tollywood/Kollywood/Mollywood/Sandlewood and every other wood of Indian cinema + all of the Indian serials that come with it. 

The plot of a young girl being raised by someone else to gain a better life is prevalent throughout Indian cinema. The women in Mehdi’s life being nosy and trying to find him a wife had me remembering various pieces of Indian media and conversations with family members.

Zeynep and Mehdi meeting and having an instant connection filled with prejudice as well as a little “something something” reminded me of various movies. Zeynep refusing to marry her boyfriend because he came from a different place, and instead allowing her biological mother to arrange a meeting with her husband, the man she met and connected with ages ago made me realise a truth.

I am my mother’s daughter. I have become my mother. 

A Dizi(ng) Week (A Recap) : Or A Week Of “Git Me” (Or Some Variant Of It)

This week was a hectic week. With my life going from being in hiatus (due to, you know… the global pandemic) to have to go to job interviews lined up, it was crazy. But nothing would have prepared me for the craziness of events that would occur in dizi land. So let’s start this recap, shall we?

Masumlar Apartmanı or the Gift That Keeps on Giving 

When I first saw the promo and fragments for Masumlar Apartmanı, I wasn’t overly keen on watching the show. However, when the Internet keeps on going on and on about what an amazing show, you have to listen? Right? Needless to say, I had no choice but to watch it… and let me tell I all but screamed!

That’s right, I screamed “VAMPIRE JESUS!” as soon as Birkan Sokullu appeared on my screen, what can I say. You see the first dizi I watched with him in it, was Immortals and let me tell you, Numel had some serious Jesus vibes going for him.

I had a very similar and visceral reaction when Farah Zeynep Abdullah appeared on my screen, seeing the first Dizi I ever watched was Kurt Seyit ve Sura. So, seeing these actors who I had become so familiar with on my screen again was heart-warming. 

Masumlar Apartmanı was a dizi that I was immediately drawn too. The writing of the show is well thought out, the editing is great all making it easy to watch. However, I think what makes this show stand out is the characters and how the cast plays them. Maybe its, because Birkan Sokullu acts in the Turkish remake of This Is Us, but I couldn’t help but compare the show to This Is Us. 

This Is Us is show that has much acclaim for how it depicted the very complicated and beautiful family ties of the Pearson family. It delves into the childhoods of the main characters and delves into how it might shape the way it deals with their lives, all the while dealing with important issues such as addiction, mental health issues, fatphobia, racism, and numerous other issues. 

At first glance, the show could seem like a love story between Han, the only son of his family who is holding his family together and the angel that comes into his life, Inci, with their respective families playing foils in this electric love story. 

However, in the first two episodes, we are immediately shown that all of the characters have such depth and are all dealing with such huge problems. From, Safiye one of Han’s sister who initially seems like just the over-controlling older sister, only to pull back the curtain of her childhood showing how her mother treatment towards her, to Han, who is dealing with his OCD tendencies and Inci who is dealing with the trauma and grief at the loss of her mother. 

Each of these looks into the characters lives and pasts add such a rich element to the storytelling and makes you care about all of the characters. The first two episodes did a really good job in establishing the characters and the complex relationships between them. Farah Zeynep Abdullah and Birkan Sokullu are so charming in the roles of Han and Inci you can’t help but be drawn to them and root for their relationships. In Han’s family and sisters (Safiye, Gulben, Neriman) and father, we see the difficulties and struggles of living with someone who has a mental illness such as OCD. Through Inci we see how loss and grief can change a person. All of this being said I am super excited for the upcoming episode of the show. 

(Also, I will probably be posting a more thorough analysis of the first episode.)

Lastly, because this blog post is called “A Dizi(ng) Week (A Recap) : Or A Week Of “Git Me” (Or Some Variant Of It)”… the episode ends with Inci locked out of her house with Han. Without having any options left, Han says the magical words.

Additional Thoughts/Questions

  • Though the first two episodes of the show seem great and the way that they are delving into these social issues is such beautiful. However, I hope we do not see the vilification of Safiye as she deals with her OCD and Agoraphobia. After the reaction to 6. Bölüm of Sen Çal Kapımı it is clear that mental health is important to Dizi watchers. There is also something to be said of mental illness issues being depicted in a less than positive light in media.

Menajerimi Ara, the Dizi of My Heart 

Okay, if for whatever reason you’ve been reading my blog, you know that last week I made the outlandish claim that Menajerimi Ara is my favourite dizis of the season. I just wanted to start by saying, that after spending a week giffing the Bölüm, I have no choice but to accept the facts. I have great taste, and Menajerimi Ara is my favourite dizi of the season.

The bölüm starts with a sleep-deprived Dicle being put in another pickle as Feris wakes Dicle up early in the morning demanding coffee though none of the coffee shops is open. With Dicle not owning a coffee machine herself, she has no choice but to go to Barış for help… Because the famous and rich actor totally has one… and he’s her only hope (or so Meral insists).

With the help of Barış, Dicle can make coffee and meet with Feris who is still upset with Kıraç. Attention is drawn to Dicle because she is the one who told Feris that Kıraç plans. Lines are drawn in the agency with Kıraç on one side and all the other agents on the other. This tension is heightened since Feris is now Beren’s agent and Beren and Barış have been offered a new movie. Meanwhile, Kıraç is dealing with one of his clients, Şükran Ovalı trying to return to acting after the birth of her child and Çınar sets Jülide up with a small role in a dizi.

Beren and Barış are at a crossroads, to take the film role or not. Much like Şükran Ovalı, Beren wants to take the role to stay relevant in the film sector. Aydın, Barış’ brother also insists the film role would be good. However, Barış has doubts seeing the script is bad, and he wants to make something of his art.

With everyone telling him to do something, and Barış unsure of the best choice, Barış goes to Dicle asking for her opinion on the script, because she understands his desire to make it in the film industry and what it means to come from nothing. 

However, shit hits the fan when the news of Kıraç leaving is leaked in the press. This issue is resolved only to have another issue arise, Barış’ decision. At a dinner party Barış’ reveals he plans on turning down the role a thing he didn’t confide Beren in. Beren is hurt and becomes apprehensive of Barış’ relationship with Dicle. However, things become messier when it is revealed that Aydın is using his brother and connection with celebrities to make money. Barış and Dicle leave the party together, and go back to his house… and because this post is called “A Week Of “Git Me” you know how this episode ended.

Additional Thoughts/Questions:

  • Okay… So I am aware that in the fandom there is much debate about whether Barış is using Dicle. I completely understand why people take that stance. He only talks/pays attention to her when it suits his purpose (when he needed help on making a decision) or when he has to for work. However, I love Barış and Dicle as a ship. I also love the fact that the narrative is aware that he is like this (and isn’t romanticizing his lack of interest)… However, Barış does care, because he helped her run away from her dad in the first episode, he bought her pizza, and he fixed her light fixture.
  • However, I firmly believe that Barış is unaware of his feelings towards Dicle and her feelings towards him, and thus doesn’t understand how she’s interpreting their interactions. That being said if he hurts her feelings unintentionally or not… HE BEST BE READY TO CATCH THESE FISTS! 🔪🔪🔪🔪
  • As for Kıraç, the man just needs to get over himself, owe up to fathering a child, and stop hurting and trying to fire Dicle.
  • I also love how the film industry was shown in the episode. We see just how fleeting fame and fortune can be (from Jülide’s scenes being cut, to Şükran Ovalı, Beren, and Barış being worried about staying relevant). We also see that though the film industry is an industry that is dreamlike, sometimes compromises must be made to stay afloat and that actors can’t always have the roles that they want
  • Also, as you know from the previous blog post, I am a total hoe for handholding… and let me tell you, this week had me giggling when it came to the hand holding! It was so cute and Deniz’s hands are so BIG and Ahsen’s are so tiny in comparison! (I made an entire twitter thread). 

However, that being said, I would like to note that I am not a huge fan of the grabbing wrist method of hand-holding that Dizi-Land is obsessed with… 

 Maybe it’s the fact that I grew up watching Kuch Kuch Hota Ha and that method of hand-holding reminds me of Aman dragging Anjali to the wedding… but I hate it.

@ the writers of Menajerimi Ara, use your resources aka Deniz’s huge hands, and have him gently hold Ahsen’s in his… BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THE FANS WILL GO MAD!

(Yes, I am fans!).

On Wednesday We Watch Sen Çal Kapimi 

This week’s episode of Sen Çal Kapimi starts where the previous episode ended. With Selin shooting her shot and telling Serkan that she would drop Ferit for Serkan but before he can answer, Eda and Ferit interrupt him… And at that moment all I could do was roll my eyes and quote a wise woman who said:

“If you are so ready to drop your fiance for another man… Maybe don’t marry at all. Instead go to therapy?”

I cannot help but to agree. However, Serkan pulls a fast one and pulls Eda in for some casual hand-holding, making his intentions known (to Selin). Eda kisses Serkan confusing the robot man. 

Next, we see Engin who is meeting with Ceren to ask for forgiveness. However, I think it is important to note that Ceren is hiding the fact that her father is the bossman at the law firm she is working at, and she hasn’t told Engin this who believes she is a lowly intern. The only reason I bring this up is that as I have said repeatedly, the Engin, Ceren, Pırıl love triangle reflects the Serkan, Eda, Selin nonsense. That being said, in this episode Engin learns that Ceren comes from money, and I believe this will reflect Serkan’s finding out about Eda also coming from money and more about her family (and her grandma) in the upcoming episode. But to get back to the actual plot of the show, Engin eventually learns about Ceren and decides to distance himself from her, focusing more on Pırıl.

Eda talks to Ceren about her feeling for Serkan, and Serkan talks to Engin. Engin asks Serkan to prove that he doesn’t have feels for Eda by distancing himself from her. Ceren, however, asks Eda to dress in a way that would draw Serkan’s eyes to her. Eda dressed to impress is picked up by Serkan (who apparently can’t stay away).

Ayfer finds out about the contract and clause about Eda’s education and is immediately upset. She decides to call Grandma Yıldız to help Eda financially without Eda’s knowledge.

Serkan in an attempt to keep Eda close shows her a house that the firm is going to be working on and asks Eda’s help. She reminds him that she doesn’t work for him anymore and that the contract is void, seeing Selin is getting married. However, Serkan convinces her to stay and they discuss the house and the owner. I am almost 99% sure that this house either already belongs to Serkan, or that he is going to buy it for Eda. 

In a hilarious scene that is reminiscent of the drain the pool scene, Serkan tries to get Eda to stay in his life by having Engin offer him a job. Eda’s scholarship to Italy “mysteriously” comes through. With the prospects of Eda leaving haunting Serkan, he pushes everyone out of his life and finds himself becoming ill. Aydan calls Selin to talk to Serkan, however, unbeknownst to her, Seyfi calls Eda. Eda and Serkan read a bit from the book, The Little Prince a thing the folks at the DizzyForDizi podcast probably went crazy about.

Serkan’s fever takes for the worst and he starts having bad dreams. When he asks Eda to take him with her to Italy, Eda has but no choice but to stay and keep him warm. 

Which leads me to a random rant. What is up with the Turkish Dizis I’m watching and the characters choosing terrible sleeping positions? Like Serkan has a whole bed in his room, as do Han and Barış and yet all of these idiots decide the best place to fall asleep is on the floor or the couch. Your beds have got to feel better my dudes, make smarter decisions. 

Eda is hurt when she realises that Serkan has no memories of asking Eda to take him with her leaves. She is preparing to leave to Italy when Serkan pulls her car over…

and you know what he says! Serkan does what we’ve wanted him to do and confesses his undying love to her and they kiss.

Yeni Hayat or the Things I Do For Serkan Çayoglu

Okay, I have a confession to make. Though this part of the segment is called “The Things I Do For Serkan Çayoglu” and the post is called “A Week Of “Git Me” (Or Some Variant Of It)” I can’t recall this episode… lololol. 

I feel like that largely had to do with the fact that this episode felt a lot like a filler episode and I felt like they didn’t need 2 hours and 30 minutes to tell me what happened. The episode starts with Yasemin still “abducted” and asking for ransom money. Timur summons Adem and asks him and only him for help, pushing aside everyone else who works for him. Adem sees this as an opportunity to gain Timur’s trust, however, finds the events leading to Yasemin’s abduction suspicious. 

Nevin and Melahat face stress when she learns that Ferda, a woman in prison who has some connection to her and Ece starts asking for money or threatens to tell Adem the truth. 

I have a feeling that this Ferda lady may be Ece’s biological mother or the person who helped Nevin acquire a baby seeing that in the previous episode Nevin mentions she can’t have children of her own. 

While all of this is happening, Özgür, Timur right-hand man is jealous of Adem taking his place. Özgür’s wife Berna is also unhappy and seems to hate Yasemin planting thoughts in Gökçe’s head about Yasemin. 

Adem puts the plan to save Yasemin into motion, however, it is revealed that Kunduzi is working with Timur’s business partner whose name I can’t remember. It is then revealed that they have no plans on keeping Yasemin alive and plan on killing her. However, before they can, Adem saves Yasemin and is shot saving Timur.

Adem reveals to Nevin that he plans on continuing working for Timur, much to Nevin’s surprise. Then we get the most important episode in this whole damn show, the scene where Ece and Adem eat breakfast together. It’s freaking adorable and I literally cannot. 

Yasemin talks to Adem about why she wants to run away from Timur, telling Adem of the abuse she faced in her marriage. The episode ends with the Karatan family at breakfast when Adem joins them. Yasemin and Adem receive pictures of their kiss, and the episode ends with Timur’s phone receiving a message.

Additional Thoughts/Questions:

  • As you can tell, this episode doesn’t end with “Git Me” (Or Some Variant Of It), which may be why I don’t like this episode as much as I liked all the other episodes. 
  • However, with apparently seven dizi cancellations looming, I cannot help but be saddened by the potential loss of Yeni Hayat.
  • I am super excited about next week’s episode. I love how the show advertised itself as a show about adultery, yet we are getting a much more complicated story… 
  • and can I say I am super excited about next weeks episode… Adem teaching Yasemin how to fight? YESSSS!!!!

A Dizi(ng) Week (A Recap) : Or A Week Of Indecisive Men

When I started my blog, it seemed like a really quaint idea. I’d sit there and talk about the media that I was consuming and it would be great. However, after exactly 0.5 seconds of having a blog, I turned into Nick Miller…


However, on this fine Friday afternoon, where I have nothing to do but avoid my responsibilities, I’ve decided that while writing is hard, watching a Week of the Men of Dizi Land being Indecisive AF was harder… so let’s start this recap!

Menajerimi Ara, the Dizi of My Heart

If you’ve been following me on tumblr, you know that Menajerimi Ara has quickly become one of my favourite dizis of this season (yes I am including Sen Çal Kapimi in that list, and no I will not be taking criticism). I don’t know if it was Çağatay Ulusoy appearing out of nowhere, cooking fish, giving great advice, and promoting his upcoming film last week, but this dizi has won a special place in my heart.

Can I just say it was a brilliant decision on the writer’s of Menajerimi Ara to have the guest stars on Menajerimi Ara play themselves and bring aspects of their actual life into the show. It adds an almost Meta element of reality to the agency and makes it believable that Menajerimi Ara is a show about the film industry.

However, maybe my excitement comes from the fact that Dicle is such a lovable lead. Ahsen Eroğlu brings this rawness to the character making her more than just the naïve protagonist, but imbues her with her strength as she deals with the conflict that comes her way. Also, Ahsen Eroğlu literally has such a gorgeous smile and she is so endearing! Or maybe it’s because whenever Bariş and Dicle smile at each other it sparks joy in my life. Like seriously, look at them!

Whatever the reasoning is I love Menajerimi Ara and was super excited for this weeks episode.

This week’s episode guest starred pop singer Edis, as well as Netflix’s Atiye actress Melisa Şenolsun. Now because I don’t listen to Turkish pop, and I haven’t watched Atiye yet, I was a bit out of my depth. So, I did what any normal person would do and harassed my friends till they explained everything to me.

In this weeks episode Feris and Çınar have to deal with Edis and Melisa Şenolsun who are co-stars who don’t get along, though they play lovers in dizi. Dicle on the other hand is dealing with the repercussions of last week’s episode (Kıraç trying to get rid of her). Though she debates going home, Dicle continues working at the agency, and tries to avoid Kıraç even as she keeps on being pushed to work with Beren. Beren is trying to become her own woman without her father controlling her life. Bariş is trying to reconcile his fame and money with what the show is suggesting is a more humble upbringing. Finally, it is revealed that Kıraç has signed on with a different agency.

All in all I really liked this weeks episode. Not only did we get plenty of scenes where Bariş and Dicle were staring at each other with love in their eyes, which is obviously the most important part of this whole show.

We got insight on what it would look like to change your media presentation, as Beren does a photo-shoot that is more grown up (at least according to her father) and what the effects of co-stars who don’t get along would have on a productions.

Can I just say that the photoshoot that Barış and Beren was extremely hot. Deniz Can Aktaş and Yaprak Medine certainly know how to serve looks.

However, as you probably noticed from the blog title, this week was a week of indecisive men. So, while I think that Bariş is hurting Dicle unintentionally (because the himbo in him jumped and he doesn’t realise the power of his smiles or his shirtless self) I do think that he really needs to realise that to some degree he is giving her the wrong idea.

But more importantly I hope show allows Dicle that she doesn’t need the validation of the men in her life, whether it her father or Bariş, in order to do well in life, because ultimately seeking validation from them just ‘causes her to have heart break!

Additional thoughts:

  • I am obsessed with the dynamic between Edis and Melisa Şenolsun… Don’t hate me, I lowkey ship it!
I’d watch an entire Dizi about them!
  • I really need a scene in a very Pride and Prejudice like manner where Bariş is holding Dicle hands, because his hands are just SO big in comparison to hers…

  • Kıraç needs to choke for all of the times that he broke Dicle’s heart!
  • Lastly, they name dropped Demet this episode! When is she going to appear out of nowhere!

On Wednesday’s We Watch Sen Çal Kapimi

Can I just be completely frank with everyone? Though, I love, absolutely adore Sen Çal Kapimi, at this point I just need both Eda and Serkan to stop playing the proverbial game of chicken, and confess their undying love for each other. If you’ve talked to me about SÇK you know that last weeks episode left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. Though I love Serkan, that man needs to learn how to say sorry. Watching him do all of those grand things like low-key abduct Eda, and not ask for forgiveness then and there… that rubbed me wrong.

In this weeks episode we learn what the announcement that Selin and Ferit were going to make last season is they plan on getting married in a week. This throws a ranch in whatever truce Eda and Serkan just brokered.  Serkan is clearly upset by this and continuously tries to undermine and get rid of Ferit. Eda announces that Serkan and her are also getting married. Aydan tries to convince Selin to break up with Ferit all the while trying to make her husband jealous. Both couples (Selin/Ferit and Eda/Serkan) end up spending a lot of time together doing an interview for a magazine and visiting the mountain house.

Though it is evident that Serkan has romantical feelings for Eda, he thinks that she doesn’t reciprocate his feels. Eda on the other hand, takes Serkan’s sudden hostility Serkan being upset because Selin is getting married. The episode ends with Selin overhearing Serkan talking to Engin on the phone about Eda, and believes that he is talking about her… so she makes her move.

Now, if you have been following me on Tumblr you know that I believe that the Pırıl-Engin-Ceren plot parallels that of the Selin-Serkan-Eda.

Both Serkan and Engin have enlisted these women to fake a relationship with them in order to make the other women jealous. However, for the most the Pırıl-Engin-Ceren storyline is depicted comedic and light, a direct comparison to Selin-Serkan-Eda. From this episode it becomes clear that Engin and Serkan do not know what women want, with Engin attempting to ask both Pırıl and Ceren for forgiveness at the same fancy dinner.

Serkan on the other hand, doesn’t know woman (or Eda) enough to know that she is in love with him, and he just needs to shoot his show, as the young people would say. Though, literally everyone on the show from Ayden to Serkan need to just go talk to their significant others instead of trying to connive and play games in order to get what they want.

Though alot of this episode felt underwhelming there were various moments that I loved. I loved that Eda sprung her apparent wedding on everyone (including Serkan). I loved Eda and Serkan talking about their future family and Eda telling Ceren about it! I love Eda opening up to Serkan about her life. (You wanna know what I didn’t love, Eda’s dress)

All of that being said, I’m excited for next weeks episode. The potential of Eda nursing Serkan back to life is fun. However, I personally would actually love to see Eda go to Italy and become an established architect and see how that plot goes.

Yeni Hayat or the Things I Do For Serkan Çayoglu

As you know, originally I was just watching this particular dizi for Serkan Çayoglu. However, after watching three episodes, I’ve actually been enjoying Yeni Hayat.

The episode starts where the last one left off, with Yasemin’s kissing Adem. This has some immediate ramifications with Adem immediately growing suspicious of Yasemin. Instead of redirecting Adem’s attention, Adem is even more focused on Yasemin, which puts her in a tight spot as she tries to cover up her mistake with new mistakes.

Yasemin is also under pressure as she tries to come up with the money she needs in order to create her new life. Timur is facing some backlash from his partners in crime (literally) because he hired Adem as Yasemin’s bodyguard. As always Gökçe is trying to flirt with Adem, hating on Yasemin, and trying to get her father’s attention. Nevin becomes apprehensive as Adem puts distance between himself and his family. Adem, however, is debating quiting his job.

However, perhaps the most interesting development of this episode was Adem learning about Timur’s business. As a hard-core Halka fan (I literally had a dream about that Halka a couple of days ago), this developlment was my favourite.

When this aspect of the show was depicted in the trailer for the show, me and my friend immediately drew parallels to Halka. After watching both Halka and the scene where Adem’s police friend reveals to him that Timur is smuggling/selling guns and asks Adem to help him take down Timur… I can’t help but continue to compare it to the scene in Halka where Kaan is enlisted by the police to join the Tepeli family in order to take down the various crime families in the show.

It also adds an interesting element to the story, because the show introduced Adem as a person who has a solid set of morals. The Karatan family however, has been depicted as immoral. Timur is involved in the underworld and is abusive, Gökçe is almost hedonistic in her pursuit of happiness (parties, her father’s attention, and Adem) as well as unempathetic to Yasemin. Yasemin though she is a victim of abuse, is apparently willing to break up someone’s marriage in order to be free.

By having Adem learn about Timur’s business, plus the way the show is advertised as one that deals with adultery, we might really see Adem not being the morally upright character we are introduced to. In previous episodes it is Yasemin who is trying to escape and so working against Timur and playing with Adem’s feelings in order to get her will. Now, Adem (if the show doesn’t get cancelled) will also be the one who is working against Timur, and will probably use Yasemine as an instrument to dig into Timur’s life. 

I am also very fascinated to see what secrets Nevin could be hiding. Also, I am very intrigued to see how Yasemin and Adem’s relationship grows seeing that until this point in the narrative, though they are clearly interested in each other, she is using him and he is suspicious of her.

Finally, can I just say that whoever was in charge of the wardrobe this week definitely did something? Adem in that white shirt, and obviously all of Yasemin’s outfits are completely on point!

Additional thoughts:

  • I love how (at this point in the show) they haven’t pitted Yasemin and Nevin against each other… I really enjoyed the scene where Yasemin defends Nevin from her snobby rich friends.
  • I am very confused on the purpose of having Gökçe be so in love with Adem? Like what does it bring to the story? Unless its to further the animosity between Yasemin and Gökçe… or to further prove that Adem is good looking, which I feel like the narrative does well without Gökçe being obsessed with Adem…
    (Also if its about Adem’s good looks, anyone with eyes knows that Serkan is beautiful).
  • Why is everyone super tan in this episode?
  • Finally watching this episode has me curious about labour laws when it comes to children in the film industry in Turkey…